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Eggs: A Nutritious Pet Superfood Available Anywhere

Called 'Mother Nature's original superfood,' this simple, easy to prepare and inexpensive source of bioavailable nutrients is a staple food around the world, but did you know that it can be shared with pets as well?

can you feed eggs to your pet


  • The humble egg contains various bioactive compounds, such as phospholipids and antioxidants that may promote better vision and immune response
  • It also has all 10 essential amino acids that your pet needs — these are required for various functions, such as metabolic regulation, gene expression and cell signaling
  • Choline, which helps lower the risk of "doggy dementia," is also found in this superfood
  • Ideally, buy eggs that come from pasture-raised animals, as these come from a sustainable environment that follows the animal's natural habitat and protects the farmer's health

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